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The online or office appraisals are prepared with the information provided by the client and without inspection of the property, so their values are referential and approximate.

The report is made with the purpose of determining an estimate of the value of the property requested by the client.

The final report is sent in PDF format to the e-mail address provided by the client in a maximum of 48 hours.

The cost for the service is 170 soles including IGV (one hundred and seventy 00/Soles).

Payment must be made in advance via deposit or transfer to our current account in soles:

  • Bank: BCP (soles)

  • Company name: SCV Soluciones Integrales S.A.C.

  • Current Account: 193-9733996-0-89

  • Interbank Code: 00219300973399608916

The electronic proof of payment will be sent to your email once the deposit has been verified.

It is very simple, make the payment in our accounts, send us the proof of payment and the online appraisal application form with the requested information to our e-mail address:


This report is not an official appraisal, there is no physical inspection and it does not bear signatures or seals of the appraiser. If you want an official appraisal with inspection, please contact us at our phone numbers or send us an e-mail and we will send you a quote for the service instantly.

The indicated price applies only for housing/house type properties with a maximum built area and land of 300 m2, it does not apply for commercial or rustic properties. If you want an online appraisal of other type of property, contact us to send you a quote.



Deposit in account or transfer to our bank account

Online appraisal request form and proof of payment sent to e-mail address

Final report sent in PDF format to the client's e-mail within 48 hours.

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